miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011

Despre perfecționism

În drum spre Timișoara, am citit în mașină, pe telefon. Cu un font mare nu e chiar neplăcut, doar dai pagina des. Vă mai ofer niște citate, în ideea că poate o să vi se pară interesante, mai ales dacă admirați designul produselor Apple:

Despre carcasa Apple II:
The Pantone company, which Apple used to specify colors for its plastic, had more than two thousand shades of beige. “None of them were good enough for Steve,”

When the time came to tweak the design of the case, Jobs spent days agonizing over just how rounded the corners should be. 

Despre ambalajul Mac-ului original:
“He got the guys to redo it fifty times,” recalled Alain Rossmann, a member of the Mac team. “It was going to be thrown in the trash as soon as the consumer opened it, but he was obsessed by how it looked.” 

Despre scara interioară din holul sediului noii sale firme, NeXT:
As a centerpiece, Jobs commissioned I. M. Pei to design a grand staircase that seemed to float in the air. The contractor said it couldn’t be built. Jobs said it could, and it was. Years later Jobs would make such staircases a feature at Apple’s signature stores.

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